July 10, 2008 - Fernandina Beach FL, United States
We found out that if we removed the boat from Florida within 10 days then we could avoid paying tax. So the race was on. We serviced the engine, spent lots of money on essential equipment, everything from bedding to outboards, lifejackets to teapots, and we were ready. Luckily for us there is a system of waterways and canals up the east coast of the USA, so we could ease ourselves gently into the strengths and quirks of Sea Gal.

Sailing up the ICW
So we were off and heading north. Some bridges we went under.

3 foot to spare
Others had to open for us.

Bascule Bridge
We watch the world go by accompanied by Pelicans and Dolphins.
At night we anchored away from the crowds.

Peacefully at anchor
Mostly enjoying the sunshine and fresh air, apart from at 3 o'clock when it rains in Florida.

Rain in Florida at 3pm
A common sight in the southern states are shrimp boats.

Shrimp boat in South Carolina
But mostly lots of open space and wetlands.

Wet lands of Georgia
Once we left Florida we could slow down and take it even easier.

Swimming in the pool