July 4, 2009 - Baltimore MD, United States

Shake down sail in June 09
After launching we took a few new friends from the yard sailing. Some who had never sailed, some who needed a reminder of what it was all about.

Anchored near the Washington monument
We sailed north up the Chesapeake Bay taking a week or 2 on a small side Mission to Washington DC.

Tourists in Washington
We spent two days in the noisy city and managed a few memorials, museums and statues before we could walk no more and became tired of tourism.

Getting a tow
We sailed on to Solomons Island up the bay and spent a few days watching the world go by whilst fixing the raw water pump on the engine. We watched this beautiful reproduction boat come into the harbour, but they were unable to drive away from the fuel dock and had to be towed out to see. The skipper should be flogged.

Di and the sunset

Sailing from the sunset
Once all was repaired we had some great sailing days up to Annapolis to meet our first guests of the season.

More sailing from the sunset

Iris and Wilson visit Sea Gal in USA
Iris and Wilson joined us for a week to enjoy the pleasures of cruising.

What happens after we catch it
Wilson donating some equipment and expertise to enable Barney to catch our first fish of the season, an 8 pound cat fish. Wilson also lend the will power to hit it repeatedly over the head so Iris could get it into the oven.

A common but still wonderful sight are the Osprey nesting on the marker posts around the bay. Each week the chicks get bigger and louder.

4th July
We also enjoyed the fireworks on the 4th July, but the locals were most surprised when we said we didnt celebrate the day !

Baltimore Harbour
We then sailed into busy Baltimore to bid farewell to our guests, whilst surrounded by dragons !