December 12, 2010 - Lake Worth FL, United States
A rare view of other boats sailing on the ICW
In the last stretches of the ICW the weather was warmer, the winds gentle. On very windy days we stayed on the canals and sailed in calm waters, on reasonable days we sailed offshore and when there was no wind we rested or did some jobs. Surprisingly few boats used sails in the ICW, even with a fair wind. We feel we inspired a few to try.
Fellow sailing boats on the ICW
Of all the other boats we met on the ICW heading south, this was the only one that sailed all the way. He had an old Sea Gal outboard to get him through bridges and once lit a fire on deck, but later said it was not a good idea on his wooden boat. He was mad as a brush.
In Lake Worth we filled up with all that was cheap in the USA. Fuel at a super yacht marina and endless trips to the super market for food and beer, and lots of stuff for future projects to keep us busy.
Cleaning the fore peak, before
Whilst waiting for the weather to be favourable we continued with the improvements on Sea Gal. Di cleaned the forepeak.
Here before.
And after.
Later painted in time for our Christmas visitor.
I made a nice new mug holder to hit my head on.
and sauce rack for our HP, marmite and peanut butter.
Smooth passage across the Gulf Stream
Eventually the weather forecast was good to head across the gulf stream for the Bahamas. We left very early in the morning the make the best of the days light on arrival, had a very smooth crossing to memory rock.
We arrived in Bahamian waters and hoisted our yellow customs flag. This stays up until you clear customs, which was a few days as we had some weather coming to hold us up.
Clear blue water of the Bahamas
We enjoyed our first view of the clear waters of the Bahamas, with the white sand giving an amazing turquoise on a calm day.
Stormy weather over Great Sale Cay
The first night we anchored on the east side of Great Sale Cay. The recommended anchorage is on the West side, but we had a strong westerly forecast for 48 hours. Our anchorage was not the best and quite bumpy and times, but when we dragged anchor we had 50 miles until the next piece of land. Not so for a couple on a Bavaria in the western anchorage who dragged onto the beach and had a US CG helicopter take them home. The saga playing out took our minds of our own discomfort.
The weather soon cleared and we made our way to Green Turtle Cay to finally check in and enjoy arriving in a new country.
Cocktails in the Bahamas at last
Any woe's were quickly forgotten with our new stock of rum and a 'pain killer' cocktail.
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